I find myself using a new word as of late. It is a word I use to describe an experience, place or moment. Sometimes I use it to describe something I have seen that was amazing or something I smelled that enveloped my senses. I always use this word when I describe Molly Moon's Salted Carmel ice cream.
The word in itself conjures up a feeling of happy, sweet, great, or simply put, something just out of this world.
The word-
I believe all of life can be lived in such a way that it is magical on a daily basis. Now you must know I am actually, truly, talking about the kind of magical that fairy tales are made of. Moments too good to be true in every way.
Following Jesus is a very magical experience. An experience so out of this world that it simply doesn't make sense, nor does it fit into our own understanding of the way things should be.
As I look back over my time in San Diego I realize that something has changed with in me and I now, more frequently, listen to the guiding voice of the One who takes me on the greatest adventures. I've been invited by Him to do the craziest things and have seen Him glorified because I chose to act on the invitation. Who knew I would meet men like Mike who lived under the bridge, Heidi the film maker who wants to see children protected, Mary a brave woman who continues to serve even in times of difficulty, Reyna and her family at Christmas, a small group of girls in DC who are giving in ways that will change the world, women in Seattle who are M.A.D.! (making a difference), shop owners, cashiers, presidents of countries, senators, missionaries and so many others, who knew? Who knew that I'd wake up each day ready for the next adventure and when I listen and obey, Jesus is always glorified. Following the voice of Jesus results in the most amazing and magical moments.
Today is Easter. It has been a magical day. I woke up and took a friend to the airport. Because of that, I got to watch the sunrise (magical), I participated in a worship service and then took off to Marina park where some friends and I host an annual Easter lunch for the community. Over 100 people came and we ate and laughed and talked. I met some lovely people and soon I will be going over to Marco's house with a friend to learn how to make carne asada. We didn't have any at our feast and he thought I needed to learn. I agreed. So Marco, a fifty year old man and his family are taking me in to teach me how to make some for next year. (magical!)
Easter is a day that I get to celebrate the fact that Jesus raised from the dead. He truly raised from the dead! Truly unbelievable. And yet, He did. Today He invites us to share in His work. He even says that we are going to do more than He was able to do during His time on earth. That is an amazing thought. It is a life altering thought.
I'm challenged to live life listening to the voice of the one who confidently knows that nothing is impossible. Take a moment to think about that idea... Nothing is impossible, with Jesus.
Magical stories are the kind of stories in which we'd like to find ourselves, but so often "life" gets in the way. Practicality and pleasure get in the way. Magical stories are not easy stories. In fact they are some of the most dangerous of stories. They are filled with difficulty, hardship, and challenge, yet they are powerful, beautiful and life altering. Magical stories are the stories that take risk. Risk is one of the places magic is found. It has been in risking, reputation, normalcy, a certain quality of life, and personal comfort that I have found the magic of an unbelievable life, guided by a voice who knows how to create much better moments.
What keeps you from stepping out? What keeps you from risking? We were invited by Jesus to listen to the voice of the one who brings abundant life. To whose voice do you find yourself listening? Does it bring you a magical life?
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